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Wordpress vefhýsing hjá Gagnaver

Allt sem þú þarft til að hýsa og viðhalda hröðum og öruggum Wordpress vef

Einfalt stjórnboð

Sama hve marga vefi þú ert með getur þú sýslað með þá á einu einföldu stjórnborði.

Daglegar öryggisafritanir

Vefurinn þinn er afritaður daglega. Þú hefur fullan aðgang að afritunum, getur hlaðið þeim niður og/eða keyrt þau yfir núverandi vef.

Automatic WordPress Updates

Never miss a WordPress update Again. We will automatically keep your WordPress core, plugins, and themes up to date.

WordPress Accelerated Servers

Faster load times mean better user experience, better search engine optimization, and higher conversion rates.

Free SSL Certificates

Bring encryption, validation, and trustworthiness to your website with SSL. Included for free with any WordPress plan.

Free CDN

Get free access to Content Delivery Network, a tool that caches and delivers your website content in record time from servers around the world.

Why WordPress Hosting?

WordPress Hosting features for everyone

Whether you're new to WordPress or know it like the back of your hand, our hosting is full of features for every skill level.

All-in-one WordPress dashboard

Experience effortless website management with our intuitive All-in-one WordPress dashboard. From content creation to performance monitoring, streamline every aspect of your online presence in one convenient hub
All-in-one WordPress dashboard

One-click WordPress staging environment

Test and perfect your website changes before going live with our One-click WordPress staging environment. Safely experiment, refine, and enhance your site without disrupting your online visitors' experience.
One-click WordPress staging environment

Manage installation and monitor website speed

Take full control of your WordPress installation and monitor website speed effortlessly. Our robust tools empower you to optimize performance, ensuring a seamless and lightning-fast user experience for your visitors
Manage installation and monitor website speed
Fast & Simple

Optimized WordPress hosting

3x Faster Loading Speed!

Fastest WordPress websites that are pre-configured for maximum speed, helping you get higher conversions & SEO scores.

More Flexible Access

No matter how many sites you manage, you can access them all from one intuitive control panel.

Leading Security

You’ll never have to worry about slow load times when your site is on our cloud-based network.

Highly Customizable

Customize your WordPress website with themes & plugins

Over 10,000+ WordPress themes

Unleash your creativity with our vast collection of over 10,000+ WordPress Themes. Find the perfect design to match your vision and elevate your website's aesthetic appeal, all at your fingertips.
Over 10,000+ WordPress themes

Powerful WordPress plugins

Enhance your website's functionality with our array of powerful WordPress Plugins. From SEO optimization to e-commerce capabilities, unlock endless possibilities and tailor your site to meet your unique needs.
Powerful WordPress plugins

Easy custom code snippets

Seamlessly enhance your website's insights and reach with Custom Code Snippets. Effortlessly integrate essential tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and Google Ads tracking. Empower your WordPress site's performance with just a few clicks.
Easy custom code snippets
Automated WordPress Migrations

Already have a WordPress site? Migrate it for free!

We’ll take care of the process of moving your website from your old web hosting company to our platform so you can focus on what matters. Also, we don’t charge any website migration fees.
Vantar þig aðstoð?

Hafðu samband við þjónustuverið okkar

Bjóðum upp á umfangsmikinn viskubrunn fyrir þau sem vilja leysa málin sjálf. Ef upp koma mál sem þarfnast skoðunar sérfræðinga okkar sendir þú þjónustubeiðni á þínum síðum og við leitum lausna eins fljótt og auðið er. Hvort sem málið snýr að vefþjónum, hýsingu, vefsíðum, tölvupósti hjálpum við þér að leysa málið
Hafðu samband við þjónustuverið okkar
Customer Reviews

Why our customers loves our services

Five Star Hosting Services!

“Exceptional hosting services! Their robust infrastructure ensured my website's stability and lightning-fast loading times. Support was prompt and knowledgeable. A game-changer for my online business.“

Why our customers loves our services
Michael Smith

Great Hosting Company

“Building my WordPress website was a breeze with their hosting services. The user-friendly setup and intuitive tools made the process seamless. I'm delighted with the hassle-free experience and impressive results.”

Why our customers loves our services
Eliza Williams

Very Helpful Support

“I'm thoroughly impressed with their hosting services. The standout feature for me is their outstanding customer support – quick, friendly, and incredibly helpful. They've truly exceeded my expectations!"

Why our customers loves our services
John Doe

High Quality Servers

“I'm thrilled with their hosting services. The performance of my website has been exceptional, thanks to their top-notch hardware. Blazing-fast speeds and reliability have made a huge difference for my online presence.”

Why our customers loves our services
Michael Smith

Fastest Hosting

"I'm amazed by the speed of their servers! My website loads in an instant, providing an exceptional user experience. Their hosting services have significantly boosted my site's performance."

Why our customers loves our services
Robert Johanson

Simply Amazing

“Their products are simply amazing. The quality, features, and value they offer have elevated my online presence. A fantastic choice for anyone seeking top-tier hosting solutions.”

Why our customers loves our services
Maria Garcia

Algengar spurningar

Hvað er Wordpress?

WordPress er vinsælt og notendavænt efnisstjórnunarkerfi (CMS) sem gerir þér kleift að búa til, stjórna og birta vefsíður og blogg með auðveldum hætti. Sérhæfð WordPress hýsing okkar tryggir hámarks frammistöðu og stuðning sem er sérsniðinn að WordPress vefsíðum. 

Hefjumst handa!

Það er ekki eftir neinu að bíða. Veldu þá hýsingarleið sem hentar þér og komdu vefnum í loftið. Vanti þig ráðgjöf um hvaða þjónustuleið hentar þér skaltu endilega hafa samband.